Sandlot Summer Camp

A summer camp tradition since 2005. Where a kid can be a kid.


This is a two step process so please make sure to complete both to secure your spots!
STEP ONE: Fill out the registration form, one for each camper, and HIT SUBMIT at the bottom of it.
STEP TWO: Make Payment at this link. If you are on your phone please make sure you scroll in the far left or right margin to be sure to get to the bottom of page. Once you receive your PayPal receipt, your spot it secure. 

Step One: Fill out the registration form below.

Do you give permission for your camper to swim?(required)

Camp Week Selected

Camp Week Selected

I understand that once I finish filling out this form I need to hit the submit button at the bottom to send form. To secure my spot, I then need to go to the bottom of this page and make payment. (If you are using a phone, make sure you scroll down on the side margin to get to bottom of page) .(required)

I understand that Sandlot Camp, like any other sports camp, has a chance of injury. In the unlikely event that my child is hurt accidentally, I waive my right to sue any member of Sandlot Camp. (required)

To be able to participate, I will be sure to download the emergency medical form, and bring a hard copy to the first day of camp.(required)

Do you give permission to have photos on our Facebook page for parents enjoyment?(required)

T-Shirt Size(required)